Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Politics in Utah?

So, this is what I decided.

Obama and McCain are NOT the lesser of two evils. This "lesser than two evils" phrase is a Republican concoction, created because of denial and of the social taboo associated with the word "liberal." I can guarantee all of you that the Democratic platform will improve America's shape, in the international sense as well as the domestic one.

Bush really screwed up on the international stage. Approval ratings of the US right after 9/11 were really high from across the world. Most European countries were well over 75%. Today, the ratings are as low as 11% - and don't forget this is Europe we're talking about (England, France, Germany, etc). This is because Bush has broken so many international laws and is continuously at odds with the UN. His policies have been very arrogant. For example, a branch of the UN is the International Criminal Court (ICC), which tries people for breaking international laws and committing crimes against humanity. The US does not support this court and refuses to take part in its processes. Know why? Because they are seriously concerned that Bush will get tried there.

Staying in Iraq = bad idea. Bush is occupying two countries - Iraq and Afghanistan - and he lowered taxes because of Republican domestic pressure (Republicans really, really like lower taxes). The result is a deficit of trillions and trillions of dollars. The dollar has also declined in value compared to other currencies. The British pound is worth more than two dollars, and the Euro is almost worth two dollars. McCain would like to remain in Iraq until "victory" is achieved. The idea of "victory" is blurred; there is no definitive idea of it. Is it stability in Iraq? Is it stability AND a full functioning democracy? What is it? And when can the soldiers start coming home? The Middle East doesn't really like America right now. One reason is the fact that the US is so biased when it comes to Israel. Another is past wrongdoings. Before the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the CIA propped up the Shah of Iran and protected him from being overthrown. The Shah was an outright tyrant that thoroughly suppressed the Iranian people. So, why would the US keep a tyrant in power? The Shah was friendly and had access to plenty of oil. During Desert Storm, Bush Senior encouraged the minorities of Iraq to rise up and overthrew Saddam Hussein. They did so. The US didn't back them up; instead, Saddam massacred thousands of rebels - men, women, and children. How would Americans like it if a foreign country occupied the US, implementing an 8 o'clock curfew (which has been in effect for five years) and allowing citizens to break the rule of law and creating chaos? The Iraqis want us out. The soldiers want out. It's time to get out.

In regards to the oil crisis. McCain wants to drill in Alaska. Obama wants oil companies to develop the land that they've already bought until a viable source of energy is available. Drilling in Alaska will ruin the wildlife preserve, continue to worsen global warming, and allow oil corporations to continue making profits. The Republicans want to drill oil because oil executives pay them A LOT of campaign contributions to push the agenda. Cause what would happen to the oil industry if the US gets off oil? Exactly. Drilling Alaska will only make the US more dependent on oil, and there won't be an incentive to develop new technologies. Now is the time to get off oil, not later.

Well, anything beyond this will probably just be my opinion. I mean, I've put a lot of my opinion in the paragraphs above, but they are sound and logical opinions. I understand if there's one or two issues that really decide who you vote for. But I just wanted to tell you the straight facts so that you'll at least know what else it is that you're voting for.

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